Here's what I read in 2010:
1. The Church of Our Fathers by Roland Bainton
Completed January 8, 2010
2. The Dead Zone by Stephen King
Completed: January 16, 2010
3. The Sign of Jonas by Thomas Merton
Completed: January, 2010
4. Marginal Catholics by Ivan Clutterbuck
Completed: February, 2010
5. The Second Coming by Walker Percy
Completed: February, 2010
6. Walker Percy: The Last Catholic Novelist by Kieran Quinlan
Completed: February, 2010
7. Science Fiction The 100 Best Novels: An English Language Selection: 1949 - 1984
by David Pringle
Completed: February 27, 2010
8. Isaac Asimov: A Life of the Grand Master of Science Fiction by Michael White
Competed: February 27, 2010
9. 99 Novels: The Best in English Since 1939, A Personal Choice
by Anthony Burgess
Completed: March 5, 2010
10. The Gargoyle Code: Lenten Letters Between a Master Tempter and His Diabolical Trainee
by Dwight Longenecker
Completed: March 6, 2010
12. Goodbye, Good Men: How Liberals Brought Corruption into the Catholic Church
by Michael S. Rose
Completed: March 8, 2010
13. The Chosen by Chaim Potok
Completed: March 19, 2010
14. The Light Invisible by Robert Hugh Benson
Completed: March 20, 2010
15. The Age of Consent: The Rise of Relativism and the Corruption of Popular Culture
by Robert H. Knight
Completed: March 21, 2010
16. I Alone Have Escaped To Tell You: My Life and Pastimes
by Ralph McInerny
Completed: March 27, 2010
17. What Went Wrong With Vatican II: The Catholic Crisis Explained
by Ralph McInerny
Completed: March 29, 2010
18. How Far Can You Go by David Lodge
Completed: April, 2010
19. Judith’s Marriage by Bryan Houghton
Completed: April, 2010
20. The Faithful Departed: The Collapse of Boston’s Catholic Culture
by Philip F. Lawler
Completed: April 16, 2010
21. 84 Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff
Completed: April 17, 2010
22. Q’s Legacy by Helene Hanff
Completed: April 24, 2010
23. A Short History of the Mass by Alfred McBride
Completed: April 24, 2010
24. Teacha: Stories From a Yeshiva by Gerry Albarelli
Completed: April 24, 2010
25. Voodoo & Hoodoo by Jim Haskins
Completed: May 3, 2010
26. The Cardinal by Henry Morton Robinson
Completed: May 15, 2010
27. The Executioner Always Chops Twice: Ghastly Blunders On the Scaffold
by Geoffrey Abbott
Completed: May, 2010
28. Questions and Answers About Your Journey To God
by Benedict J. Groeschel, C.F.R.
Completed: June 1, 2010
29. The Heart of the Matter by Graham Greene
Completed: June 5, 2010
30. The Violent Bear It Away by Flannery O’Connor
Completed: June, 2010
31. Tudor England by S.T. Bindoff
Completed: June, 2010
32. The Abbess of Andulusia: Flannery O’Connor’s Spiritual Journey
by Lorraine V. Murray
Completed: July, 2010
33. The Loser Letters: A Comic Tale of Life, Death, and Atheism
by Mary Eberstadt
Completed: July, 2010
34. Losing Our Religion: The Liberal Media’s Attack on Christianity
by S.E. Cupp
Completed: July, 2010
35. A People’s History of Christianity: The Other Side of the Story
by Diana Butler Bass
Completed: July 20, 2010
36. Sir William Blackstone and the Common Law: Blackstone’s Legacy to America
by Robert D. Stacey
Completed: July 29, 2010
37. Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future by Fr. Seraphim Rose
Completed: August 5, 2010
38. The Last Night of a Damned Soul by Slimane Benaissa
Completed: August 14, 2010
39. Understanding Flannery O’Connor by Margaret Earley Whitt
Completed: August 18, 2010
40. Heathen Valley by Romulus Linney
Completed: August, 2010
41. Brighton Rock by Graham Greene
Completed: August 26, 2010
42. A Study in Greene: Graham Greene and the Art of the Novel
by Bernard Bergonzi
Completed: August 29, 2010
43. The Celestial Bed by Irving Wallace
Completed: August 31, 2010
44. The End of the Affair by Graham Greene
Completed: September, 2010
45. The Third Woman: The Secret Passion that inspired Graham Greene’s The End of the Affair
by William Cash, Completed: September, 2010
46. Ugly As Sin: Why They Changed Our Churches from Sacred Places to Meeting Spaces - and How We Can Change Them Back Again by Michael S. Rose
Completed: September 26, 2010
48. Last Rites: The Death of the Church of England by Michael Hampson
Completed: October, 2010
49. The Trouble With Islam: A Muslim’s Call for Reform in Her Faith
by Irshad Manji
Completed: October 11, 2010
50. A Bitter Trial: Evelyn Waugh and John Carmel Cardinal Heenan on the Liturgical Changes Edited by Scott M.P. Reid
Completed: October 12, 2010
51. Liturgical Time Bombs In Vatican II: The Destruction of Catholic Faith Through Changes in Catholic Worship
by Michael Davies
Completed: October 16, 2010
52. Purity: Sex, Marriage & God by Johann Christoph Arnold
Completed: October, 2010
53. The Red Hat by Ralph McInerny
Completed: October 24, 2010
54. After This Life: What Catholics Believe About What Happens Next
by Father Benedict J. Groeschel
Completed: October 31, 2010
55. The Catholic Church and American Culture: Why the Claims of Dan Brown Strike
a Chord by Eric Plumer
Completed: November 7, 2010
56. If I Forget Thee, Jerusalem by William Faulkner
Completed: November 12, 2010
57. Vile Bodies by Evelyn Waugh
Completed: November 20, 2010
58. The Man Within by Graham Greene
Completed: November 22, 2010
59. Labels: A Mediterranean Journey by Evelyn Waugh
Completed: November 27, 2010
60. Striptease by Carl Hiaasen
Completed: December, 2010
61. Sexual Authenticity: An Intimate Reflection on Homosexuality and Catholicism
by Melinda Selmys
Completed: December 4, 2010
62. Tourist Season by Carl Hiaasen
Completed: December, 2010
63. The Rebbe, the Messiah, and the Scandal of Orthodox Indifference
by David Berger
Completed: December 21, 2010
64. In Search of the New Testament Church: The Baptist Story
by C. Douglas Weaver
Completed: December 27, 2010
65. Patience With God: Faith for People Who Don’t Like Religion (or Atheism)
by Frank Schaeffer
Completed: December 29, 2010
66. Justifiable Homicide: Growing Up a Baptist Christian Fundamentalist
by Dean H. Auginbaugh
Completed: December 31, 2010
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